Mercurial – Deluxe Edition
Kurzinfo: In Mercurial, each player has varying capabilities and starting resources, with their differences offering a unique path to power with every journey. Delve into the fantastic world of Mercurial, and discover a new age of spellcrafting.
Verlag: Hyperlixir
Autor: David Goh
Sprache: Deutsch
Erscheinungsjahr: 2023
BGG Wertung: 7,3
Spieleranzahl: 1 – 4 Spieler
Alter: ab 14 Jahren
Spieldauer: 45 – 60 Minuten
€ 117,00 inkl. MwSt.
4 vorrätig
Mercurial is a card & dice-manipulation game themed on spellcrafting with combo & engine-building mechanics. Learn magical Alteration techniques to control the chaos of your elemental dice, and use these elements to combine lesser magicks into new and unknown spells. Your combined spells can either inflict ruin, restore life, or something more — use them to perform heroic deeds, ranging from helping your allies defeat dangerous beasts, to finding a path for stranded travelers lost in the strange land of Valanyr.
In Mercurial, each player has varying capabilities and starting resources, with their differences offering a unique path to power with every journey. Delve into the fantastic world of Mercurial, and discover a new age of spellcrafting.
—description from the designer
Achtung: Die uns vorliegende Version ist englisch!